PUNL launch new community share offer

Power Up North London (PUNL) deliver a range of community energy projects across Camden and Islington, with a particular focus on solar PV. For their latest project, PUNL are launching a share offer to raise £80,000 in share capital for the purchase of rooftop solar panels to be installed at Talacre Community Sports Centre, NW5.
The community group made up of volunteers utilise their collective expertise to identify opportunities, raise grant funding for feasibility work, project manage, and if a project is viable, deliver all stages through to installation.
The Camden Climate Alliance member has been working with Camden Council and Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) to design a project which will reduce carbon emissions and deliver energy bill savings for the leisure operator at the site. The panels will produce enough renewable energy to save 12 tonnes of CO2 a year and reduce energy costs.
Located in Kentish Town, Talacre Community Sports Centre is adjacent to the green space of Talacre Park which provides an attractive and open aspect to the Sports Centre. The Centre offers a variety of outstanding multi-use outdoor and indoor facilities with a stimulating range of activities for all ages and abilities.
Find out more about the upcoming launch here and invest: powerupnorthlondon.org/sport
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