Pledge your Support to Climate Action in Camden

Pledge your support for Climate Action in Camden and commit to working together for a net zero carbon borough by 2030. Complete the form and select a minimum of 3 themes where your organisation has an impact, then choose a minimum of one action under each which you commit to undertake.

The level indicates the environmental impact of the action. Level 3 represents the maximum.

Create a framework which helps your business/organisation archieve its goals through review, evaluation and improvement of environmental performance

Endeavour to reduce your operation's carbon emissions through imrpoved energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy

Manage waste generated from your operations according to the principles of reduce, re-use and recycle.

Strive to incorporate environmental and social considerations into your business/organisations procurement processes and reduce the carbon emissions resulting from your deliveries

Make every effort to reduce carbon emissions resulting from business travel and staff commuting within your business/organisation

Undertake to educate and motivate employees to operate in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, and to conserve resources wherever practicable

Work to protect and promote biodiversity in Camden

Commit to working in partnership with local schools/community groups on projects aimed at improving sustainability and encouraging biodiversity