About the pledge
Camden organisations account for approximately 66 per cent of carbon emissions in the borough. To help tackle this the Camden Climate Pledge was created to provide a framework to help businesses embed climate best practice throughout their organisations, from energy consumption to staff commuting, to partnering with the local community on projects.
By signing the pledge you are demonstrating your commitment to taking action across a range of pledge themes whereby your organisation can reduce its emissions and environmental impact, whilst contributing to a net zero Camden by 2030.
It is an opportunity to publicly show your support, receive recognition and access support through the Camden Climate Alliance network to help further your progress with delivering on your pledge commitments.
The pledge also contributes to the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to compliment initiatives and existing work that businesses may already be working to.
This is one for all businesses, whether you are new to the climate agenda or leading the way in your area.
Make sure your business is being recognised for it’s climate work by telling us what you’re doing. This way we can certify you through our Carbon Certification Scheme and showcase progress made aross our member network in the CCA Annual Report. The reporting period is open January to March each year.